Woodland Engagement Project-updates

Since November 2015, the Otley-based ecological consultants Haycock and Jay Associates Ltd have been working with the DVLP to implement a programme of ecological workshops to encourage the people of the Dearne Valley to record wildlife in their local woodlands.

The project has focused on six key woodlands across the Dearne Valley and has included an exciting range of events including dawn chorus walks, woodland wildflower walks, woodland survey training, bat discovery walks and amphibian safaris.

(Wath Wood Bat Walk)

As part of this project, simple management plans have been produced for each woodland to help local volunteers and ‘Friends Of Groups’ manage the woodlands, and an resource pack has been compiled to provide information on how to record wildlife

The project is now nearing completion, with a Woodland Heritage Walk scheduled on the 13th October at Wath Wood, Rotherham and a Winter Tree Identification Workshop scheduled for January 19th at Elsecar Heritage Centre. If you would like to book onto any of the FREE events please visit our events page or use the links provided.

As a grand finale, a Woodland Seminar, showcasing the ecology and heritage of the Deane Valley woodlands and the good work of volunteers and Friends Of Groups, is due to be held in February 2019. Watch this space for details and keep an eye on our ‘Events Page’.

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