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DVLP Documents
This page contains all the useful background documents in support of the development and implementation of the Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership.
Landscape Conservation Action Plan (LCAP)
The LCAP establishes the framework for the Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership (DVLP). This five-year action plan provides background on the Dearne Valley, highlights the need for the DVLP, sets out the aims and objectives and provides details of the projects that the DVLP will deliver.
Heritage Audit
A document pulling together details of all the listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments and listed landscapes in the Dearne Valley with priority sites identified.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
This document sets the framework for the monitoring and evaluation of the DVLP throughout its lifetime.
Interpretation Strategy
A strategy to guide the approach of the DVLP will tell the stories of the sites, heritage and landscapes the Dearne Valley
Communication Strategy
The framework for how the DVLP will get information across about the work that it does.
Branding Guidelines
These provide guidance on how to use the DVLP logo, what colours to use and suggested approach to the design of DVLP related materials. If you receive a DVLP grant or are working in partnership with us, please read this document in order to comply with our branding requirements.
Audience Development Plan and Engagement Strategy
Commissioned to look at existing and potential audiences for activities within the Dearne Valley. It also look at ways of engage people with the work of the DVLP
Environmental and Biodiversity Review
A review of existing information on biodiversity in the Dearne in order to establish the approach to achieving the aims and objectives of biodiversity and environmental element of the DVLP.
Volunteering and Training Strategy
An audit of the volunteering, training and education opportunities within the Dearne Valley.
Signage and Wayfinding Guide
Guidance on the approach to signage within the Dearne Valley.
Worsbrough Country Park Countryside Management Plan
A five year plan commissioned by the DVLP on behalf of Barnsley Council, supporting the development of a new set of future management aims, objectives and actions for the country park