DVLP Community Grants Scheme

The DVLP have now launched their grant scheme offering between £500 and £2,000 for projects that support the work of the DVLP in relation to the environment and heritage of the Dearne Valley.

The DVLP has launched it community grants scheme offering grants of between £500 and £2,000 to individuals and organisations within the Dearne Valley for projects which meet the aims and objectives of the DVLP. These are:

  • Conserve, protect and enhance the built, natural and cultural heritage that makes up the unique landscape of the Dearne Valley.
  • Enable the community to celebrate the immense value of the Dearne’s heritage, by working with them and other organisations.
  • Increase the community’s understanding, use and enjoyment of the existing natural and built heritage by increasing access opportunities and interpretation.
  • Boost the economic prosperity of the Dearne by making it a place where people want to live, work and visit, building on the sense of place as a positive, forward looking and innovative community.
  • Support the local community through providing a range of training, skills and volunteering opportunities.

You can apply for a grant through the DVLP grants scheme if:

  • You can clearly demonstrate you contribute towards the aims and objectives of the DVLP
  • You are seeking a grant of between £500 and £2,000
  • Projects have public benefit rather than private gain
  • Will benefit the Dearne Valley

Full details of the grant scheme and details of how to apply can be found by clicking HERE

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