Project Title: Preservation of the Regimental Colours of the Barnsley Pals Battalions
Applicant: Jane Ainsworth – on behalf of PCC for St Mary the Virgin and St Paul the Apostle, Barnsley
Grant Awarded: £500
Project Summary:
The Colours for the two Barnsley Pals battalions are unique to Barnsley’s heritage. They are in poor condition after 100 years and deteriorating. There is support locally to preserve them for the future. They also need to be displayed in a way that people can view them properly as, at present they are partly concealed behind two British Legion Standards in a glass fronted cabinet. (The British Legion want their Standards to be allowed to ‘fall into dust’ but support the preservation of the Barnsley Pals’ flags).
The project will involve commissioning an inspection by an accredited Textile Conservator to assess the condition of the two Regimental Colours. The Conservator will write a report and advise what action is needed to conserve the four flags and how much this will cost.
The inspection is an essential first step in getting the Regimental Colours preserved for future generations and to help in the remembrance of those who were involved in the First World War, especially those who died.
Once the requirements and cost of conservation is known, it will be possible to make an informed decision (in consultation with others) on a suitable way forward to securing the preservation of the colours.