Worsbrough Boardwalk Opened

A new stretch of boardwalk at Worsbrough Country Park has been formally opened.

12th January 2016 saw the formal opening of the new boardwalk at Worsbrough Country Park. The work was funded by Barnsley Council’s Section 106 programme and the Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership. It has made a massive difference to this stretch of path that was in danger of being lost to erosion. Not only is this section much easier to use but it provides an ideal stopping off point to take in the surroundings.

We were pleased to be joined by Councillors Carr, Clarke and Pourali of the Worsbrough ward to mark the opening. Thanks must go to Damen Keddy in Public Rights of Way and Chris Sanderson in Highways at Barnsley Council for their hard work in achieving so much within the budget. Thanks also to Sarah Ford from PROW and Ian Wilson in Highways for their work behind the scenes.

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