Developing Capacity

The DVLP will support the development of individuals and organisations through targeted training, co-ordination, information sharing, forums and workshops.

By increasing the skills, experiences and confidence of local individuals and groups this will provide a long term legacy and strengthen the community. In addition the DVLP will work closely with local volunteer agencies and the three local authorities in supporting volunteering opportunities within projects, sites and organisations directly related to the work of the DVLP.

The Project

This project will develop the skills, experience and abilities of both individuals and organisations. This will be achieved through the following:

Forums and Networks

This will provide an opportunity to bring individuals, organisations and special interest groups together around specific fields of interest. These will be co-ordinated and supported by the DVLP with the intention of them having a life beyond the DVLP. These will inform the work of the DVLP but will also focus on wider issues relating to the Dearne Valley.

Workshops and Courses

These workshops and courses will be focused on supporting the development of groups and individuals. They will develop their expertise in carrying out their activities. These courses will either be developed in house by the DVLP team or through the commissioning of external experts to deliver workshops or short courses.


All News, Press Releases and Events relating to this Project are listed below